高三英语二轮复习:把话题写作融入阅读中讲座课件(共27张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 highlight of my senior year翻译 高三英语二轮复习:把话题写作融入阅读中讲座课件(共27张PPT)


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(共27张PPT)把话题写作融入阅读中Highlights of My Senior YearPart1. What is the passage mainly about the wonderful things in writer’s senior year.the writer’s school days注意:概括主旨大意要简洁而全面。Part 2 There ’s so much to remember in her Senior Year 细节理解题1.Which of the topics are mentioned in the text A. working as an arts editorB. receiving senior prize for American literature.C. getting good grades on final examsD. going on a short skiing tripE. working as a sports couch.F. being elected as chairmanTipsThere’s so much to1. I’ll never forget…2.One of the best things is… 3. The highlight of the year is…4. I shall never forget (doing)…arts editor5sports meetinggood gradesTipsThere’s so much to1. I’ll never forget…2.One of the best things is… 3. The highlight of the year is…4. I shall never forget (doing)…5.We had fun doing … go skiingNew Year’s partyTranslation1)回顾学校生活,我最难忘的是当选为班长。 _______________________________________________________________________________________________2)这一年最精彩的是我获得英语竞赛一等奖。 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________Looking back at the school, I’ll never forgetbeing elected as monitor.The highlight of the year is that I won the first prize in the English contest.学会追忆:The reasons why she enjoyed the prom so much:

First, she was so to go with Daniel and she looked very_______!Second, they ______ a nice car to the prom and have a good time with friends.Finally, the big surprise was when she was ________ the prom(毕业舞会 ) queen.elegantrentedelectedpleasedPart 3So the highlight of hersenior year was the seniorprom.The reasons why she enjoyed the prom so much are as followes :First, she was so to go with Daniel and she looked very_______! Second, they ______ a nice car to the prom and have a good time with friends. Finally, the big surprise was when she was ________ the prom queen.In conclusion, the highlight of her senior year was the senior prom.注意:行文务必开门见山,条理清楚。5. What does the author think of her school life wonderful/exciting/meaningful; regretful/sorry andthankful/gratefulLive withthankfulnessTranslation1)我把我的成功归功于你。没有你的帮助,我不可能取得这么大的进步。 2)是我们的母校为我们提供良好的学习环境,在这里我们度过了三年幸福时光。I owe my success to you.Without/But foryour help, we couldn’t have made suchrapid progress in English.It's our school that supplies us with studying environments , where we all have spent three happy years.学会感恩:Translation我们会努力以知识武装自己来回报学校和社会。We will try our best to equip ourselves with knowledge to reward our school and society.学会展望:话题写作感恩发言稿书面表达Live withthankfulnessWriting假设你是东山中学的李华,参加完高考后,将要作为学生代表在毕业典礼上发言,请根据下列要点写一篇发言稿。1.追忆高中生活的精彩片断2.感谢老师教给我们知识和做人的道理;感谢母校提供良好的学习和生活环境;3.学生们会努力学习,争取回报母校,回报社会。注意:1.词数120-150左右;2.发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯Good morning, dear teachers and classmates.文章层次三步走---基本框架1. Introduction 演讲稿的内容(开门见山)回忆过去(简述一两个片断)( 注意主时态:一般过去时)2. Body 表示感谢( 注意主时态: 现在时)3. Ending 展望未来,适当号召(简述)Composition appreciation(作文赏析)Tips1)Scores .Reasons:卷面、要点、表达One good sentence to reciteAdviceComposition appreciation(作文赏析)优秀作文的特点优秀作文中呈现出多种共同优点:1、要点全面。 能够覆盖所要求的三个要点,即演讲稿的开头,回忆和感谢为主题、展望结尾。2、句式灵活。高中阶段常用的语法项目如定语从句,非谓语动词和倒装句普遍的出现在学生的作文中,长短句应用恰当。3、基本功扎实。 能按照题目要求,结合自身实际用英语表达自身的思想。言之有物、言之有理。It's my great honor to speak here to share myunforgettable school life and express mythanks to everyone who gives me helpwhenever I'm in trouble. (24 班 张)I feel honored to deliver a speech,aiming at sharing my experience atschool, my gratitude and my plan.(23 班 邵)榜样就在身边:佳句赏析背诵回忆过去1. All things have been wonderful. But the highlight of the year was that I won the first prize in the English contest.(23班 李)2. There’s so much to remember. One of the best things was taking active part in the sports meeting ,which made us realize the importance of teamwork. (24班 王)榜样就在身边:佳句赏析背诵充满感激1. I owe it to you that my tireless work finally paid off. (24班史)2. Words fail to express how grateful I am to my school ,which provides us so good learning environment. (23班 常)3. I can't be too grateful to our teachers, without whose help, I couldn't have made rapid progress.(24 班 陈)榜样就在身边:佳句赏析背诵Let’s spare no efforts to equip ourselves with knowledge. Only in this way can we reward our school and society.(24班史)I'm confident that a bright future is awaiting us and our school. (23班 李)展望未来榜样就在身边:佳句赏析背诵存在的具体问题答卷中出现的问题一:卷面不整,字迹潦草。书写潦草, 有涂改、增补现象,书写不规范。二:要点不全,内容混乱。内容空洞, 表达单一,结构散乱,字数不达标,甚至偏离主 题。三:小错不断,大错不绝1. 小错:单词拼写、冠词、大小写、标点符号错误。2. 大错:搭配错误、词语用错(介词/名词/动词/形容词/副词)、时态/语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、句式等错误。高频错点1. 社会n. ___________ 2. teach过去式__________3. 成功 n. ___________ 4. 令人难忘的__________________5. 取得很大进步 ________________________________________6. 回忆______________________________________7. 把...归功于____________8.用知识武装自己_____________________________________________make much/ great progressunforgettablesocietysuccesslook back at/call up/recalltaughtowe...toequip ourselveswith knowledgeGood morning, dear teachers and classmates.I feel lucky to stand here on behalf of the graduates to make a speech on the graduation ceremony.Looking back at my senior year, there’s so much to remember. One of the best things is my winning the first prize, for which I want to express my heartfelt thanks to our respected teachers who devoted all their energies to educating us in the past three years. It is you that encourage me to keep on whenever I am in trouble.What's more, I want to say thank you to our school with such good studying environments, where we all have spent three happy years.In the near future, we will try our best to work hard to reward our school and society. I am sure our school will be proud of us one day!That’s all. Thanks for your listening.参考范文What can you learn in this class I have learned how to write a speech of thankfulness.I have learned to live with thankfulness......thankfulnessHomework1.相互修改作文并背诵范文;2.完成写作。假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想 联系你的美国老师Mr.Smith,但没有其联系方式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学Tom 写一封信:1.感谢Tom对你英语学习的帮助;2.询问Mr,smith 的近况并索要其联系方式;3. 邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。注意:1 . 词数120-150;2 . 可适当增加细节。Thank you!








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